Sense of social responsibility

As a company, we are part of society. It is important to us, therefore, to contribute to the solution of social issues beyond our business activities. Therefore, we initiate and support a number of projects that serve the common good. We are proud of the high level of willingness of our employees to get involved in social issues. Be it through donations in kind and money or through practical participation.


LEG Summer School

Thuringian holiday programme

The “LEG Summer School” offers childcare during the Thuringian holiday season with a varied leisure programme. Parents and children can choose between on-site care and a stay at a holiday camp and combine both services flexibly. The sponsor is the association “LEG-Sommerschule Unternehmen engagieren sich für Familie e. V.”.

Objectives of the LEG Summer School

  • Improving the compatibility of work and family life
  • Meaningful leisure time activities for children between 6 and 14 years of age
  • Combining play and experiential learning

Physical Activity Challenge

For three charitable initiatives and their protégés

We combine fitness and fun for our employees with social responsibility. In our physical activity challenge, we “ran” for a kilometre allowance. Three Thuringian initiatives – Die Bunten Schafe e. V., the Erfurter Seelensteine e. V. and the Streetworker Erfurt – are pleased with the donations. They help to improve the provision of refreshments during breaks for Thuringian schoolchildren, to enable children of mentally impaired parents to go on exciting excursions, and to provide emergency accommodation for youngsters and young adults.


Bummi department store

For families in need

It has become a tradition to support the Bummi department store at Christmas time with donations in kind from our staff. Boxes of toys, clothes, books and much more go to the charity shop run by the AWO (workers' welfare association) in Erfurt.

Here, parents with low incomes can shop for their little ones. For many, this is the only way to surprise their loved ones with a nice present under the Christmas tree.


Christmas tree

For a hard-working Father Christmas

To make wishes come true for children from poor families at Christmas, we are taking part in the Erfurt Family Club's Christmas tree campaign. During Advent, 30 slips of paper with heartfelt wishes are waiting to be plucked from our Christmas tree in the foyer and are regularly fulfilled. The commitment and willingness of our employees to donate makes children's eyes light up at Christmas time.